Renal Replacement Therapy

Renal replacement therapy is a type of therapy that restores the common blood filtering function which is used to perform by kidneys. This renal replacement therapy is commonly performed due to improper working of kidneys, which is referred as kidney failure. It also causes acute and chronic kidney diseases. Renal replacement therapy involves dialysis like hemodialysis also known as peritoneal dialysis, hemodiafiltration and hemofiltration, which are several ways of blood filtration with or without using machines. Kidney transplantation is also coming under renal replacement therapy, which is the subsequent form of replacement in that the damaged old kidney is restored by a healthy donor kidney. Researchers have observed that dialysis is the most common renal replacement therapy used, cannot remunerate for all the functions executed by a kidney. All of these kidney disease treatments are not precisely cures. In the conditions of chronic kidney disease, these are more specifically referred as lifesaving or life extending treatments. Also if chronic kidney disease is treated fine with dialysis and an adaptable graft is start early & is prosperously transplanted, the medical course can be very much favourable, with level of expectancy of life will be many years.

  • Acute kidney insufficiency
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Septic shock

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