Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Infection in any part of urinary system which involves urethra, ureters, bladder, and kidney is considered as Urinary tract infections (UTIs). Women are higher risk at urinary tract infections than men. Many women are facing these UTIs repeatedly in their life span. Men will get infected by UTIs in very rare cases in their life time. Microbes are primary cause of infections in urinary tract.  A urinary tract infection is caused by microorganisms. Most of the urinary tract infections are caused by microbes called bacteria. Fungi are also responsible for some of the urinary tract infections. In very rare cases viruses causes infections. Most of the human beings can effect by UTIs. Any region of urinary tract can infect by UTIs. Your urinary tract is made up of urethra, ureters, bladder and kidneys. Urethra and bladder which are in lower tract are mostly infected by these types of infections.  However, in upper tract ureters and kidneys are affected due to UTIs. Although UTIs in upper tract are rarer than others and chances of severity are high. Probability of UTIs is more in women because of shorter urethra and location of urethra is closure to the rectum which gives more chances to bacteria to enter in the urinary system. Antibiotics are used in treatment of UTIs. Use of antibiotics will leads to side effects. These side effects will starts from minor range like rash to very hamful health issues, such as different types of infections, diarrhoea which can lead to severe colon infection and death.

  • Acute pyelonephritis
  • Cystoscopy & Ureteroscopy
  • Simple & Complicated UTI

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